Nikhil_V: A deleted comment still appears on the feedback page as a comment without a
body. Just doesn't make any sense! It'd be better off if
it's completely removed off the page and the comment-count reduced
accordingly.10 July, 2011 reply
Christa: Maybe add an edit option to your own replies? 07 January, 2012 reply @Christa, that's a nice idea :)
Noted! 07 January, 2012 reply Hi Nikhil_V,
Thank you for the suggestion.
2 Points:
1. We really want to give users the ability to delete their comments when
they wish to.
2. But at the same time, we also want other visitors to know there was
*some comment* on your page previously. :D
Noted! 07 January, 2012 reply
Thank you for the suggestion.
2 Points:
1. We really want to give users the ability to delete their comments when
they wish to.
2. But at the same time, we also want other visitors to know there was
*some comment* on your page previously. :D
Hope you are cool with this. 10 July, 2011 reply